Money, money, money

We at Caversham Solicitors try our very best to provide good value for money and to keep costs as limited as possible. Our hourly rates are below the Court recommended levels and we offer free advice clinics and fixed fee appointments regularly. We take a practical approach to each of our litigation cases and will recommend the most appropriate and the most economic way forward.
Sometimes, a letter from a firm of solicitors can have a huge impact in a dispute and matters can get resolved quickly and cheaply. However, litigation can be costly, particularly since the court fees have increased (again!) There are also limited prospects of recovering your costs in many cases.
Whilst most of our clients are privately funded, it is worth bearing in mind that there are other sources of funding available. We have set out the main ones below.
Insurance policies
It is worth checking your insurance policies as you may have legal expenses cover. This could be under your household insurance policy, motor insurance policy or under your business insurance. It is also worth checking your credit card insurance. Do contact us if you would like assistance with checking policies – they can require very careful analysis to establish just what is covered.
After the event insurance
If you have a significant claim, it might be worth considering obtaining after the event insurance. After the event insurance is issued after the dispute has arisen and is primarily available to claimants.
Conditional fee agreements
We sometimes offer conditional fee agreements (primarily for personal injury claims), these are sometimes also known as “no win, no fee” agreements. It is often recommended that you also take out after the event insurance to insure against the risk of liability for your opponent’s costs if you lose the claim.
Third party funding
There are some specialist companies who invest in litigation in return for a substantial share of the damages. These are usually significant claims where the prospects of success are high and the opponent’s ability to pay is good. The third party funders will generally require an element of control over the claim.
If you would like to discuss bringing or defending a claim or how to fund litigation please contact Rachel Simpson at