Caversham Solicitors has experience across a wide range of litigation services and is able to represent individuals and organisations in the pursuit and defence of such claims locally and nationally.
Our Fixed Fee Dispute Service
The Fixed Fee Dispute Service is designed to provide you with cost-effective initial advice on your legal issue from one of our Dispute Resolution Lawyers.
The Service includes an appointment for up to an hour for the review of key documents and a video call, for a cost of £90 (incl VAT). After the appointment you should be able to make some decisions on what to do next.
This service is for consumers and covers a range of civil court disputes, including: –
Boundary Disputes
Builder Disputes
Landlord & Tenant Disputes
Restrictive Covenant Issues
Construction Disputes
Service Charge Issues
Disputing the validity of a Will
Removing an Executor from a post
Inheritance disputes
Unfairly left out of a Will
Claims Against Solicitors
Claims Against Accountants
Claims Against Surveyors
Claims Against Barristers
Claims Against Financial Advisors
Claims Against Architects
Disputes with a supplier
Disputes with a retailer
Faulty goods or products
Faulty services
Claims worth less than £10,000
What To Expect?
The appointment will provide you with an initial assessment of your legal issue, our recommendation(s) for the next steps, the likely costs that would apply and your funding options, such as No Win No Fee.
If Interested
Please complete the Fixed Fee Contact Form so that we can check we do not have a conflict of interest and set up your appointment.
Preparing for the Appointment
Before the Appointment we will contact you to: –
- Provide copies of your identity documents (photocard driving licence or passport and a recent utility bill showing your name and current address);
- Email over a summary of the events and facts that you wish to discuss.
- Send over your documents so that they can be reviewed during the appointment, or drop them into our Reception;
- Pay the Fixed Fee Dispute Service Fee
After the Appointment
After the appointment we will email you our initial assessment, based upon the information provided.
Contact Caversham Solicitors today to discuss your litigation requirements.
Please email us at
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