Lasting Power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney can only be used by your Attorneys once registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. A Property & Affairs LPA can be used while the Donor still has mental capacity, unless specified otherwise. A Personal Welfare LPA can only be used if the Donor lacks mental capacity to make that particular decision at that particular time.
You, as the Donor, may wish to register your Lasting Power of Attorney once prepared or have your Attorneys register your LPA if and when it is required, should you lose mental capacity.
Our team will prepare all the necessary registration paperwork, notify your persons to be told, correspond with the Office of the Public Guardian and provide an additional certified copy of your registered LPA to take away with you. Our aim is to ensure that the registration process is as straightforward as possible for you or your Attorneys.
Enduring Powers of Attorney
Changes in the law mean it is no longer possible to make a new Enduring Power of Attorney (instead you now have to have a Lasting Power of Attorney) but it is still possible to register a valid EPA.
An Enduring Power of Attorney can be registered once the Donor has become or is becoming mentally incapacitated. The Attorney is the person responsible for registering the EPA and once registered will take over full responsibility for managing their property and affairs.
Our team will prepare all the necessary registration paperwork, notify the relevant people, correspond with the Office of the Public Guardian and provide an additional certified copy of your registered EPA to take away with you. Our aim is to ensure that the registration process is as straightforward as possible for your Attorneys.
For further information about registering either an EPA or LPA please contact one of our team who would be pleased to help.
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