An alternative to setting up a new business or indeed buying an established one is to invest in a franchise, where you usually buy into a recognised brand and a ready-made client base – however where there are benefits there are often pitfalls and Caversham Solicitors can help you navigate your way through buying a franchise, and Franchise Agreements are normally drafted very heavily in favour of the Franchisor. It is of the utmost importance that anyone considering a franchise should seek our advice – some of the terms are often draconian.
The firm has been involved with small and medium-sized companies for over 20 years. In recent years we have advised those considering buying a franchise in many different trades. The solicitors here are in agreement and all have observed that Franchise Agreements are frequently extremely long documents with onerous obligations for franchisees, making it extremely unwise not to consult a solicitor.
The very attraction of a recognised brand and promised support can tempt the unwary to sign on the dotted line without seeking advice and that can present a very challenging legal dilemma if you wish to step away later. Caversham Solicitors can help with that too, but we would rather help you before you sign.
If pitfalls cannot be avoided, we will point them out, so the buyer will be better able to judge the commercial risks of what he or she is buying.
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